Tag Archives: Cinematic Mastrs of the Golden Horse Awards

Storm Over The Yangtze River (Li Han-hsiang, Taiwan, 1969)

We continue our discussion of the GOLDEN DECADES: CINEMATIC MASTERS OF THE GOLDEN HORSE AWARDS, with a response to Storm Over the Yantze River (Li Han-hsiang, Taiwan, 1969). It’s a historical spectacle, based on a true story, well-deploying hundreds of extras. The newly restored version looks smashing but we do wonder if you have to be Taiwanese to fully appreciate it. This story of spies, counter-spies, traitors who are heros, betrayals across sectorial lines, is difficult to follow, particularly as there are actually four groups fighting for supremacy and we, perhaps because we know so little Taiwanese history, found it difficult to tell them apart. Nonetheless, we loved the hint of camp, Li Hua Li’s performance as the powerful Mrs. Chou Chien Lu, the Bond-inspired espionage gadgetry, the look of the film and the way it was composed. Richard compares it to Operation Crossbow (Michael Anderson, 1965)The podcast may be listened to here:

The podcast may  also be listened to on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/show/2zWZ7Egdy6xPCwHPHlOOaT

and on itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/first-impressions-thinking-aloud-about-film/id1548559546


José Arroyo